Monday, January 19, 2009

Jordan First Scout Meeting

Jordan has finally started Scouts I'm so excited for him. The first outing was sliding in Murray Park. He loved it and in one day he did almost every thing to get his bobcat, now on with the wolf!!!! We turned our football days in for scouting days, good thing scouts is only one day a week :O) His dad got him the uniform and I'm looking forward to watching him grow and learn with scouts. I love the out doors and i will love to share that with him! :O) Jordan had Snow boots, a very very warm coat and some gloves, but he left that stuff so where else so this is what he gets!

You should have seen it before

Man oh man, when we first moved in we throw everything in the Garage. After some time (5months) we FiNaLlY clean it out. My car can now fit, (too bad it will not snow again until next year!) Well it may :o) Every thing is off the ground and the freezer is finally plugged in.

Mr Charlie Chaplin

My Mr. Charlie Chaplin, We were in a girls clothing store and i saw this hat Jordan wanted to know how i truned it on my hat so i showed him. He did it perfect and looked adorible with his ATTIDUE face!