Saturday, October 31, 2009

Jordan's class decided to have a Halloween Party but the only way that his teacher would let them was if a parent would volunteer. So my so cute kid volunteered me to host the party GGRRRR!!! Got to love kids. I called Brent for back up and we made up games and did everything we could to make it a fun and exciting day for him. Jordan went to school the next day and all other the kids were saying how cool it was and how fun the party was. The pictures are of Jordan and his costume; Jordan, his dad, his dads girlfriend and their new baby; me and my dead biker; Michelle Park and I at trunk or treat. HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!

Jordan as a Grizzles

Well Jordan BeGGed me to let him play football this year. He want to play so bad, he even said that he will try to make the extra money so he can play. How can you say no to that.
Football was right down the street which made it great. So we were Grizzles and it was funny we meet some amazing people and have a great time it was not as long as last year we just played the season. But it was fun Jordan made some great friends..

Friday, October 23, 2009

Crazy Corn Maze

As one of our team get together we went to ThE CrAzY CoRn MaZe 21 kids and 10 adults. (Don't loose the kids). Here are some of the football moms....

Monday, October 12, 2009

Motor Cross

Jordan's Dad made a deal with him to earn half of the bike and he will pay the other half. So he did and this is his bike that he shares with Kayden. Jordan had allot of fun riding and with in an hour Jordan was in third gear and riding like a pro. So Super cute.....

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Girls Night Out

Tangee, Mandy, Amber, Tonya, Melonie and I

We got some of the Football mom from all different teams together to have dinner. It just happened to be on my birthday it was allot of fun. We will be doing thing more often.